Certain actions or aspects of appearance that make a Japanese person looking at a member of the opposite sex think "cool!" or "cute!". Men viewed by women Rather than things such as men's driving skills, or general appearance, individual things or parts, such as 'hands, glasses, neckties' etc. are often mentioned by women. ・The way a man looks as he reverses a car, driving with one arm wrapped around the front passenger seat. ・A man's face seen in profile as he drives ・The way a man looks with his necktie loosened ・Big, manly hands ・The way a man looks as he adjusts his glasses ・The way a man looks as he smokes a cigarette Women viewed by men Women's impulsive moments and offhand/unintentional gestures seem to make an impact on men, as does the image of a girl trying her hardest, and uniquely 'feminine' behaviour. ・The profile view of a woman as she does something with a great effort ・The way a woman looks out with an upward glance ・The way a woman holds out her hands as she presents something, or how she crouches as she picks something up ・Times when a woman shares out the dishes ・The sight of a woman's smiling face, or her non-made up face ・Actions involving hair - the way a woman runs her fingers through her hair, tucks it behind her ear or puts it up