Secret ninja techniques ②: The art of conversation
For places that were difficult to penetrate, such as a castle in enemy territory, female ninja (known as 'kunoichi') were often brought into action. They would become employed as live-in maids or servants at the castle then, while pretending to be getting on with the cleaning, they would gather information by stealing documents and eavesdropping. Sometimes, when bringing in their belongings from the outside, they might slip in a male ninja associate amongst them, to allow him to infiltrate the castle grounds. Also, a female ninja might get close to a target and draw out information by making full use of her sexual charms. A standard weapon for the kunoichi was an ornate hairpin, called a 'kanzashi', that could be carried around easily, without raising suspicion. Some also had a secret compartment where notes and small writing brushes could be stashed. In practical terms, in was uncommon for the female ninja to don a costume and take part in overt acts of violence. They did, however, perform various duties behind the scenes that provided much needed support for the male ninja. One of the strongest feudal warlords, Takeda Shingen, had at his disposal a famous group of kunoichi. As a war tactic, it is said that he recruited the best looking young females amongst abandoned children and orphans , then trained them in the ways of the ninja. When they grew up he dispatched several hundred to perform spy duties while working as shrine maidens across the country.